Friday, July 26, 2013

Embark on a Legendary Voyage with Heineken

Hello guys, I'm here again! Sick of boring lifestyle in the same place doing the same routine over and over again? You're an adventurer and you would kill it just to travel and explore new things, you're so brave that you have the guts to drop everything in your life right now just to travel. Have the urge to change your life and make it awesome? Take a leap of faith and reveal the inner legendary traveler hidden inside you because, Heineken - yes, Heineken wants to take you to Las Vegas !Whut, Last Vegas? Yes, you hear me, Las Vegas baby, you ain't gonna miss this chance and close this window! yeap, you're gonna keep reading and find out how you gonna go Las Vegas.

The world’s no.1 international premium beer brand- Heineken, is challenging Malaysians - us to be a traveler, not a tourist. The ALL-EXPENSE PAID TRIP, let me enhance that again, ALL-EXPENSE PAID TRIP to Las Vegas will be an experience that features more than bright lights, illustrious parties and elaborate shows that are synonymous with Sin City – Heineken promises to take you on a voyage off the beaten path!

The Las Vegas experience is in line with the beer brand’s latest global campaign ‘Voyage’, the fifth installment of the Heineken ‘Legends’ campaign which aims to inspire its drinkers to push their boundaries and immerse themselves in an worldly experience unlike anything they’ve done before and their lastest campaign rewards 15 Malaysians to an awesome, unprecedented and once in a blue moon experience to Las Vegas worth RM800,000!

This is one of the video, this is during the ‘Dropped’, a series of episodic adventures following fearless explorers plucked from across the world and literally dropped in the middle of nowhere with nothing but the most basic of supplies and direction, forcing themselves to discover their own limits and conquer their fears! The series featuring four ‘Dropped’ voyages with three episodes, so far has seen sun-loving Spaniard Rikar in the freezing Alaskan tundra and subsequently Greek yoga instructor Stavros in the middle of the Cambodia jungle using every ounce of charm, vigor and wit to get themselves back home. Seems challenging!

Watch more videos on ---------->

The Heineken ‘Legendary Traveler’ contest runs from 1 – 31 July 2013, so get your passports ready for the ultimate legendary travel with Heineken! So what you waiting for adventurers?!

How to win it? Read the instructions below!

1.    Purchase 2 buckets OR 8 pints of Heineken to get an entry ticket at participating Heineken outlets
2.    Complete the entry ticket with your details and correct answer
3.    Drop the entry ticket into the official entry box at participating Heineken outlets

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:

Chris Ho                                                                     Tilla Lingam
G2 Public Relations                                                    G2 Public Relations
M:        +6012.258.4586                                              M:        +6010.213.7525
T:         +603.2178.0036                                              T:         +603.2178.0037                     
E:                                          E:

Good Luck & Bon Voyage, lovelies!!


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